2023 Ungelsheimer Scharlei
Yummy Chick - Our delicious women's beer
- Jörg
- Our beer

A medium "women's beer".
Women's beer?
Women's beer because the wife of this house wanted just such a beer. She found the clary sage (Scharlei) in a work from the book exchange station at the Duisburg South recycling centre. So we added some of this Scharlei herb.
Look here:
This is to complement taste and effect. Two concerns that opened doors at VEB Brauen und Saufen , the friend and promoter of both special tastes and expanded psychedelic potential.
So it's a kind of Grutbier.
Well, it's an impure "herbal beer". Everything you always wanted to know about Grutbier but were afraid to ask can be found at Wikipedia.
A certain Roman Engelbarts from Unna has also tried his hand at a website.
East beer?

In the Altmark (Saxony-Anhalt), a special beer called Scharlei was brewed at the time and contained.
We from VEB Ungelsheim hereby send posthumous solidarity greetings!
And even if here and there the good old shine of things has given way to a certain patinated dullness, the sun of socialism will still shine long over your highly raised heads, oh you indomitable ones!

Scharlei beers are supposed to help against "The Great Kopping" (headaches) and are generally quite tasty.
At the time of going to press (07.05.2023), we cannot confirm for sure whether this is the case.
But the young beer is developing in a very promising direction.
What else?
- Currently, Browerij de Vecht from the Netherlands brews and distributes a Loender IPA with Scharlei in it. Link to their website, there you can also buy it by the case.
- The recipe of our "Lecker Mädchen" is attached below (Grainfather).