
Competent and expert information on hand-picked items from the book boxes

You have no motherfucking idea? Then ask the VEB!
Please note that for books that have not made it onto the international book market, we only write reviews in German...
After all, everything else makes no sense at all. But who am I telling?

Here we go. First of all, so tired of answering the same questions all the time, I put my "FAQ". FAQ, that's an acronym for the German "Häufig gestellte Fragen", which is - you might know, English and means "Frequently Asked Questions", so it should have been "HGF", but that didn't catch on in the "German Speaking Communities" so to speak.

The actual reviews are a bit further down on this page.


QUESTION: Reviews? Why?

ANSWER: Oh dear, I don't know. I've already thought about it, but it's really stupid to always ask for this "why". Ok ok, if you are really interested, you can read something about it in my review on 'Enlightenment in Büdelsdorf'. It is written down here somewhere. Here again a link, if you are too stupid to scroll down. There I have traced out this briefly.

QUESTION: These are really great books. Couldn't you put some "links" here and earn some money with everyone who buys such a book because of your absolutely fantastic review?

ANSWER:Sure you can. But honestly, just between us pastor's sons/daughters/miscellaneous, just a counter-question: linking things on the internet to earn money with mouse clicks (we professionals call this "affiliate marketing") - what's the point? I like to call it "poor" to say the least. That is, whenever I work for one of my four own companies, simply not my thing.
And, to put it simply: Why on earth should I bend over for pennies when I'm so busy that I can hardly keep up with the counting of the banknotes / the weighing of the piles of money, take your pick, Heiopei. I do hope we understand each other here.

Jörg Jörg

Big Pictures Little Painter

stop, mothafucka!

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