Reinhold Messner: Nur im Tun kann man das Leben gewinnen
die Eroberung des Nutzlosen

Below is a copy of the message sent to "IWO-Weingarten" on 15.3.2020
Good afternoon, Mr. Siebert,
the buyer Jörg Tietz with the user name "veb_ungelsheim" (e-mail: has sent you a message regarding the following order:
Order on 10.03.2020
Messner, Reinhold; Schlaffer, Hannelore; Klink, Vincent: Der Blaue Reiter. Journal für Philosophie / Das gute Leben - Philosophie der Lebenskunst (4.00 EUR), Order No. BN9548
Please send your answer to
The buyer has added the following message:
Dear Sirs,
Thank you very much for the received goods, the delivery was fast and the packaging professional.
The journal is also in basically acceptable condition, but unfortunately it is missing pages 50-59.
These have been very carefully cut out and the gap will probably only become apparent to an inclined reader if he, like me, would like to read an article on these pages; for example Reinhold Messner's article "Only in doing can one win life - the conquest of the useless " (pp.52-55).
I may assume that this is an oversight, though I won't hide the fact that in the current situation of virus-induced, perceived scarcity of toilet paper it occurred to me that someone along the supply chain might have taken both the liberty and a few pages.
The immediate thought that Reinhold Messner's views might have ended up in a deliveryman's kerft makes me shudder even now.
I now would like to get to the heart of my matter: If you are inclined to agree to my complaint, I would be pleased if you could accommodate me, for example by offering a small discount for a future order - as a kind of compensation.
With kind regards
the team from booklooker | cBooks Germany GmbH
Volmerswerther Str. 21 | 40221 Düsseldorf Commercial Register Düsseldorf | HRB 39437 Managing Directors Jens Bertheau & Daniel Conrad